Status Bar
The status bar is located at the bottom of the application window.
It is divided into three areas: tooltips, drafting settings, and coordinate display.
The left side of the status bar displays tooltips. If you move the pointer over toolbar icons or menu items, a description of the command or function displays in the tooltips area.
Drafting Settings
The middle of the status bar contains buttons to turn on and off drafting options. These are:
Other Options
- Dimension Bounding Box. Shows or hides Dimension Bounding Boxes onscreen (Professional, Premium, Enterprise & Enterprise Plus).
- QInput. Turns on and off QuickInput.
- QInput. Turns on and off Quick Input features (Professional & Enterprise versions only).
- LWeight. Turns on and off LineWeights display.
- Cycling Selection. Turns on and off cycling selection.
- MODEL / SHEET. When the Model tab is active, this switches to the most recently used layout Sheet. When a layout Sheet is active, this switches between the Sheet workspace and the Model workspace of the most recently used Viewport.
- Dynamic CCS. Turns on and off the Dynamic Custom Coordinate System (Dynamic CCS).
- Annotation. Lets you select the current annotative scale.
Coordinate Display
The right side of the status bar shows the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates of the pointer.