Marking Entities with Points or Blocks by Lengths
The MarkLengths command places points or Blocks at measured intervals on an entity.
The command lets you "separate" Lines, PolyLines, Circles, Arcs, or other entities into segments of a certain length by inserting construction points or Blocks. The entity is not cut into different pieces but remains one entity.
In contrast to the MarkDivisions command, entities that are not an exact multiple of the length of the segment will have a remainder.
To mark an entity with points by lengths:
- Click Draw > Point > By Lengths (or type MarkLengths).
- In the graphics area, select the entity you want to mark.
- Type a value to set the length of the segments or specify the start and end points of the segment in the graphics area.
To mark an entity with Blocks by lengths:
- Click Draw > Point > By Lengths (or type MarkLengths).
- In the graphics area, select the entity you want to mark.
- Specify the Block option.
- Type the Block name.
- Type Yes or No to align the Block with the entity.
- Type a value to set the length of the segments or specify the start and end points of the segment in the graphics area.
Command: MarkLengths
Menu: Draw > Point > By Lengths