Items capture a complete product definition. They collect CAD assembly designs, software, packaging, documentation, and other components into a single comprehensive view of the product.
Users interact with items from Item Explorer, the client application for items.
From Item Explorer, users can create new items, browse item folders, and perform operations
such as check-out and change workflow state. See SOLIDWORKS PDM Item
Explorer Help for details. Users can also create items from
File Explorer.
Every item has a unique identifier (item ID). The item ID can be read from a file data card variable, generated from a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional serial number, or supplied by the user. Because the item ID is not descriptive, items also have display names based on a variable (Description by default). Item Explorer always shows both the item ID and the display name.
Refer to the
SOLIDWORKS PDM/ SOLIDWORKS Manage Installation Guide
for items information:
- Item Explorer is not installed by default on the
client only installation. It is installed by default on the client install with the server
installation. To install Item Explorer, perform a custom client installation and select
the Item Explorer feature.
- Upgrading a pre-2009 SP2 vault database does not create the default item
cards (data card and search cards), item BOM template, or serial number. To work with
items, use the Administration tool to import these features.