Administrate Actions Dialog Box

You can use the Administrate Actions dialog box to automate SOLIDWORKS PDM tasks and processes in by configuring SOLIDWORKS PDM Dispatch commands.

To display this dialog box, do one of the following:

  • In the Administration tool, expand the Add-ins node, right-click Dispatch.CAF, and select Administrate Actions.
  • In the SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer, click Tools > Administrate Actions.
    You must be logged in as a user with permission to administrate add-ins.
Installed Actions Lists the available Dispatch action scripts.
Add Add a new Dispatch action.
Edit Modify a selected action.
Remove Delete selected actions from the list.
Load Import a Dispatch action file (.acn).
Save Export the selected action to a Dispatch action file (.acn).
Copy Copy the selected actions.
Paste Paste previously copied actions.