Rule Results

The rule expressions you create with the DriveWorksXpress Rule Builder dialog box have the following results for each rule type.

File Names

Results are one of the following:

  • A text string or number that is appended to the master file name.
  • An asterisk and text string or number indicating that the master file name is not required.
  • An action to perform on a file (subassemblies and parts of an assembly only):
    • Suppress, s and False to suppress the file in the cloned assembly.
    • Hide to hide the file in the cloned assembly.
    • Delete to remove the file from the cloned assembly.


The name of an existing configuration or derived configuration in the model.

Custom Properties

The value for the property.


A number greater than zero. For pattern quantities, a number greater than 1.


Results are one of these actions:
  • Suppress, s and False suppress the feature in the cloned assembly.
  • Unsuppress, u, and True unsuppress the feature in the cloned assembly.
  • Delete removes the feature from the cloned assembly.