Using the Sheet Set Manager

The Sheet Set Manager lets you create, organize, and manage drawing sheets within a drawing sheet set. You can use the SheetSet command to display the Sheet Set Manager palette.

You can do the following with the Sheet Set Manager:
  • Browse sheets from a drawing sheet set.
  • Renumber sheets from a drawing sheet set or subset.
  • Rename an existing sheet or drawing sheet set.
  • Remove sheets from a drawing sheet set or subset.
  • Create new drawing sheet sets.
  • Add and remove subsets.
  • Rearrange sheets and subsets.
  • Open sheets for editing or read-only.
  • Modify the properties of each drawing sheet set, subset, or sheet.
  • Place model views on sheets and manage sheet views.
  • Publish sheets from a drawing sheet set.

You can organize drawing sheets using the options in the context menu. options vary according to the selected item in the tree view.

To display the Sheet Set Manager palette:
  • Right-click the ribbon and click Sheet Set Manager from the context menu.
  • Type SheetSet.
  • Press Ctrl + 4.
To hide the Sheet Set Manager:
  • Type HideSheetSet at the command prompt.

Sheet Set Manager Palette

The palette contains the following tabs:
  • Drawing Sheet List

    Lists drawing sheets from the specified drawing sheet set in a tree view. Each sheet in a drawing sheet set is a specified sheet in a drawing file.

  • Sheet Views

    Lists model views used in the current drawing sheet set.

  • Model Views

    Lists folders, drawing files, and model views available for the current drawing sheet set.

You can do the following:
  • Right-click an item in the tree view to display the context menu.
  • Double-click drawings, sheets, or model views to display them in the graphics area.
  • Click an item to display a thumbnail preview in the Preview area.
Table 1. Toolbar.

The toolbar on the top of the palette provides quick access for the most frequently used tools for the current tab.

Button Function
Displays the Drawing Sheet Set Creation wizard.
Opens the dialog box for the drawing sheet.
Shows or hides the Details area.
Show or hides the Preview area.
Refreshes the drawing sheet list. The update process reviews the folder locations available for the set. It also verifies the drawing files for new or removed model views.
Displays the last opened .dst files with the path. Selecting a file displays the list of drawing sheets and subsets.
Displays the options for organizing the sheet views:
  • View by Class
  • View by Drawing Sheet
Opens the dialog box for view class creation. This option is available in the Sheet Views tab, when the views display.
Displays the publishing options. This option is available for Drawing Sheet List only.
Opens the dialog box for folder selection. This option is available for Model Views only.
Drawing sheet set selection list Lists the drawing sheet sets that you opened. The Drawing Sheet List tab displays the list of drawing sheets and subsets from the set.
Modifying the drawing sheet set of properties locks the .dst file for other users. A lock icon appears next to the drawing sheet names.


The Details area displays descriptive information about the selected item in the tree view.


The Preview area displays a thumbnail preview of the selected item in the tree view. Use Toggle preview to display or hide the Preview panel.

Sheet Views Tab

The Sheet Views tab of the Sheet Set Manager displays a list of views used in the current drawing sheet set. You can organize views in view classes. You can display the list of views by view classes or by the drawing sheet on which they are placed.

Sheet List Context Menu

The Sheet Views tab of the Sheet Set Manager displays a list of views used in the current drawing sheet set. You can organize views in view classes. You can display the list of views by view classes or by the drawing sheet on which they are placed.

Table 7. Options for Working with Drawing Sheet Sets
Option Description
New View Class Displays the View Class dialog box. This option is available only when the sheet views are displayed according to their view class (View by Class option).
Properties Displays the Drawing Sheet Set Properties dialog box.
Table 8. Options for Working with Classes
Option Description
Rename Renames the selected sheet view class.
Remove Class Removes the selected sheet view class.
Properties Displays View Class dialog box.
Table 9. Options for Working with Sheet Views
Display Zooms to the specified view on the sheet on which it was created. Opens the drawing file containing the sheet, if the drawing file is not already open.
Rename and Renumber Displays the Rename and Renumber View dialog box that lets you renumber the selected sheet view and modify its title.
Place Callout Block Specifies and places a callout block onto a sheet.
Place View Label Block Specifies and places a view label block onto a sheet.

Model Views Tab

The Model Views tab of the Sheet Set Manager displays a tree view of folder locations that are available for the current drawing sheet set. Expanding a folder location node displays all folders and drawings in that location. Expanding a drawing node displays the model views from that drawing.

You can add content to your drawings by dragging drawings from the Model Views tab onto your sheet.
  • You can add content to your drawings by dragging drawings from the Model Views tab onto your sheet.
  • Right-clicking an item in the Model Views list displays a context menu.
  • Dragging a drawing from the Model Views tab onto your sheet attaches the drawing to the sheet as an external reference drawing.
To attach a drawing as an external reference:
  1. In the Sheet Set Manager palette, open a drawing sheet set.
  2. On the Drawing Sheet List tab, open a drawing sheet to which you want to add content.
  3. Click the Model Views tab.
  4. On the Model Views tab, navigate to the drawing file to attach as an external reference.
  5. Select a drawing or a model view within the drawing and drag it onto the sheet.
  6. Right-click and specify an appropriate scale from the list.
  7. In the graphics area, specify the insertion point.

Model View List Context Menu

Right-clicking an item in the Model Views tab displays a context menu with options for adding and removing folder locations to the current drawing sheet set. The available options vary according to the item that you selected in the tree view.

Table 10. Options for Working with Folder Locations
Expand Expands the selected folder location and displays the drawings.
Add New Location Lets you add a folder location to the current drawing sheet set.
Remove Location Removes the selected folder location from the current drawing sheet set.
Table 11. Options for Working with Drawings from Folder Locations
Open Opens the specified drawing file.
Open Read-Only Opens the specified drawing file in read-only mode.
Place On Sheet Lets you place a view on the current sheet.
See Model Space Views Displays the list of model views.
Table 12. Options for Working with Model Views
Open Opens the specified drawing file.
Place on Sheet Lets you place a view on the current sheet.


Command: SheetSet