Customizing Columns SOLIDWORKS PDM offers flexibility and control for column sets. You can assign multiple column sets to users or groups for all column set types. In SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer, you can view the file list based on assigned column sets. In the Administration tool, the Columns node contains column set types that list column sets. The following table describes the column set types that you can define: Type Available In File Details Contains tab Where used tab File Operations Change state dialog box Check in dialog box Check out dialog box Get dialog box Undo check out dialog box For Search Result columns, you can assign multiple column sets through a search card. In the SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer, to view and switch between column sets, right-click any column header or empty space and select Column Sets. You can also change the order, adjust the width, and sort by column for each column set. User customizations for column width and positions that were made on SOLIDWORKS PDM clients in a prior release are not available in the SOLIDWORKS PDM 2021 client. If you have the required administrative permissions, you can add and remove columns directly in the file details and file operations user interface. Right-click any column header, select Column Sets, and then select My Columns to specify it as the active column set. You can then use the Columns menu to add or remove columns. This column set is specific to the user's login and the client machine. You must have the following administrative permissions to access My Columns: Can view and modify My Columns in File Details Can view and modify My Columns in File Operations Contents Configuring Column Sets The Customizable Columns dialog box has new features that let you configure column sets. Parent topicSOLIDWORKS PDM Supporting Cut List References in Computed Bill of Materials SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer Enhancements Icon Changes for Workflow States and Transitions Treehouse View in the Where Used Tab SOLIDWORKS PDM Performance Improvements Displaying Derived Part References Using Bill of Materials Options Defined in SOLIDWORKS