Mesh PropertyManager

The Mesh PropertyManager lets you mesh models for solid, shell, and mixed mesh studies. Beam studies do not use this PropertyManager.

To display the Mesh PropertyManager:

Open a part or assembly, click the down arrow on Run (Simulation CommandManager) and select Create Mesh .

Mesh Density

Mesh Factor Use a slider to change the global element size and tolerance. The leftmost position (Coarse) sets the global element size to twice the default. The rightmost position (Fine) sets the global element size to half the default.
  Reset Resets the slider to the default settings.
  Issue warning for distorted elements

Available for high-quality solid and shell meshes.

Issues a warning if there are distorted elements in the mesh. Distorted elements have a negative Jacobian ratio, and produce inaccurate results.

You can continue with the current mesh, or cancel the mesh to check for geometry irregularities and change the mesh settings. Refine the mesh in areas where distorted elements are detected to improve the mesh quality.

Mesh Parameters

Sets the global element size, tolerance, and options.

  Standard mesh Activates the Voronoi-Delaunay meshing scheme for subsequent meshing operations.
  Curvature-based mesh Activates the curvature-based meshing scheme for subsequent meshing operations. The mesher creates more elements in higher-curvature areas automatically (without need for mesh control).
The Curvature-based mesher supports multi-threaded surface and volume meshing for assembly and multibody part documents. The Standard mesher supports only multi-threaded volume meshing.
  Blended curvature-based mesh Activates the Blended curvature-based meshing scheme. This mesher automatically adapts the element size to the local curvature of the geometry to create a smooth mesh pattern. Use the Blended curvature-based mesher for models that failed to mesh with the Standard or Curvature-based mesher.

There are cases where the Blended curvature-based mesher can overcome mesh failure, generating a solid mesh with higher-quality elements (lower Jacobian and Aspect ratios) than the Standard or the Curvature-based meshers.

The table lists the Simulation licenses that support single-core processing and multicore processing for the Blended curvature-based mesher.

Licenses with Single-core Processing Licenses with Multicore Processing
  • Simulation Xpress
  • Simulation in SOLIDWORKS Premium
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation Standard
The meshing process can be slower when running on a single central processor unit (CPU).
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional
  • SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium
There is no limit to the number of physical cores that the Blended curvature-based mesher can access.
The local mesh control settings for the maximum element size and minimum element size should be within the range defined by the Maximum element size and Minimum element size of the global mesh settings. If the local mesh control settings fall outside the range defined by the global mesh settings for maximum and minimum element sizes, mesh control is not enforced.

Also, the enforcement of the Minimum number of elements in a circle setting depends on the resulting element size on the curved geometry being within the range defined by the minimum and maximum element sizes of the global mesh settings.

Click Calculate Minimum Element Size to let the program calculate the optimal value for the minimum element size.

The Blended curvature-based mesher does not support a continuous mesh (common nodes between touching boundaries) for bonded sets. Mesh controls are not transferable between touching boundaries of bodies that mesh independently and are bonded. For example, you may need to apply mesh controls separately to the touching edges of two bodies that are bonded.

Calculate Minimum Element Size Available for the Blended curvature-based mesher only. Calculates the minimum element size based on either the minimum radius of geometric curvature, or the minimum element value set for mesh control.
  • Include minimum radius of curvature from geometry
  • Include minimum element size from mesh control
When you select both options, the program selects the minimum of the two element size values.

Click Apply to accept the calculated minimum element size.

Unit Sets units for mesh sizes and tolerance.
Global Size Available for standard mesh only. Sets the global average element size. The software suggests a default value based on the model volume and surface area.
  Tolerance Available for standard mesh only. Sets the tolerance value. The program calculates the mesh tolerance value as the minimum of these quantities:
  • 5% of the global element size (default value)
  • 30% of the smallest mesh element size defined for mesh control definitions in the Mesh Control PropertyManager
  • The user-defined mesh tolerance value in the Mesh PropertyManager (if the user enters a value smaller than the default mesh tolerance value)
If the distance between two nodes is smaller than this value, the nodes are merged unless otherwise specified by contact conditions.
Adjusting the tolerance can help resolve some meshing problems. For example, if meshing fails because of free edges, increasing the tolerance can solve the problem.
  Automatic transition Available for standard mesh only. When checked, the program automatically applies mesh controls to small features, holes, fillets, and other fine details of your model. Clear Automatic transition before meshing large models with many small features and details to avoid generating large numbers of elements. See example below.
Maximum element size Available for the curvature-based meshers only. The maximum element size is used for boundaries with lowest curvature.
Minimum element size Available for the curvature-based meshers only. The minimum element size is used for boundaries with the highest curvature.
Min number of elements in a circle Available for the curvature-based meshers only.

Determines the element size by the minimum number of elements that fit in a hypothetical circle.

For the Blended curvature-based mesher, the computed element size must be between the Maximum element size and Minimum element size. For the Curvature-based mesher, this setting is enforced even if the computed element size is outside the range defined by the Maximum element size and Minimum element size.

See How Element Size Is Determined.

Element size growth ratio Available for curvature-based meshers only. Specifies the global element size growth ratio starting from regions of high curvatures in all directions.


Jacobian points Available for high-quality mesh only.

Sets the number of integration points for the Jacobian ratio calculations.

The Jacobian ratio measures the deviation of an element’s shape from an ideally shaped element (one that has straight edges with equal lengths).

The Jacobian ratio calculations consider the Gaussian points located within each element. Select 4, 16, 29 Gaussian points, or At Nodes.

Default value for new studies: 16
Draft Quality Mesh Specifies 4 corner nodes for each solid element and 3 corner nodes for each shell element. Apply a draft quality mesh for a quick evaluation and the default high quality mesh for final results.
Automatic Trials for Solid Available for standard mesh only. Specifies that the mesher remeshes the model automatically using a smaller global element size. The ratio by which the global element size and tolerance are reduced for each trial is 0.8.
Number of trials Sets the maximum number of mesh trials.
Render shell thickness in 3D (slower) Available for studies with shells. Displays the mesh on shell bodies using a 3D representation of the shells.
The shell body is displayed with the thickness value defined in the Shell Definition PropertyManager. The shell thickness orientation is displayed with relation to the midsurface of the shell as defined by the offset value in the Shell Definition PropertyManager.
Remesh failed parts with incompatible mesh Specifies that the incompatible meshing be used for bonded bodies that fail compatible meshing. Used for solid mesh only.
Render beam profile Available for studies with mixed mesh that include beams. Displays the mesh on actual beam geometry as opposed to cylinders.


Save settings without meshing Saves mesh options.
Run (solve) the analysis Runs the study right after meshing.

Example of Automatic Transition

Mesh with Automatic transition cleared Mesh with Automatic transition checked