Run Simulation Advisor from CommandManager |
When checked, Simulation Advisor starts when you click Study, Fixtures, External Loads, Connections, or Results on the Simulation CommandManager. When cleared, you can start the Advisors by clicking Study, Fixtures, External Loads, Connections, or Results on the Simulation CommandManager and selecting the corresponding Advisor from the menu.
If you change this option, you must restart SOLIDWORKS for the change to take effect.
Hide excluded bodies and show study material appearances (requires more time to load a study) |
When selected:- bodies of assemblies and multibody parts that are excluded from analysis in the Simulation study are hidden in the graphics area, when the study is active
- If bodies are assigned different materials in a Simulation study, the bodies are shown in the graphics area with the appearance of the study-specific material, when the study is active.
When this option is selected, for large assemblies with many material assignments or many bodies excluded
from analysis, activating a simulation study can take a significant amount of time
(because the system must apply the internal simulation-specific display state on
top of the model display state).
However, interactive performance while editing the simulation study is not affected. To avoid these performance issues, turn this option off.
Load all Simulation studies when opening a model (requires more time to open a model). |
When selected, all the information for Simulation studies is saved to the memory on opening a model. It might take longer time to open a model with multiple Simulation studies. If this option is cleared, only the basic information for each Simulation study is saved to the memory on opening a model. When you activate a study, the rest of the Simulation study data is saved to the memory.
Automatically update beam joints when study is activated. |
The program recalculates the beam joint definitions of the updated weldments when you
switch to the Simulation study tab. During the design process, you can change weldment features in the Model tab such as
profile, length, beam rotation angle, suppress or unsuppress status, and conversion to
solid body. |