Setup the automatic email notification settings to track the solution
status of a simulation study.
To setup an automatic email notification to receive emails about the
solution status of a simulation study:
- Click . On the System Options tab, click
Email Notification Settings.
After setting up the automatic email notification settings, you select
E-mail when run is completed in the
Notification tab of each study Properties dialog box. For
Design studies, the Notification options are included in the Design Study
Properties PropertyManager.
Mail Settings
Send from:
Defines the default address of the
sender which is shown in the From header of
the message. |
Send to (Default)
Defines the default list of email
recipients. Separate the list entries by semicolons (;) or colons
(:). You can modify the list of email recipients after
selecting E-mail when run simulation is
completed in the Study Properties dialog box or
in the Design Study Properties PropertyManager.
SMTP Server
the name of the outgoing email SMTP server. If you do not know the
name of your SMTP server, contact your system administrator. |
Port |
Sets the number of the SMTP server port to connect. The
default port value is 25. If you do not know your SMTP Port, contact
your system administrator. |
My server requires
authentication |
If you server requires authentication, type your login
and password credentials. |
Mail Type
Brief Message
The email notification
includes a brief message with the solution status of the study
(success or failure), and basic information like location of the
results folder, solver type, and total solution time. |
Detailed Message
The email notification
includes the content of a Brief Message with additional information
about the mesh and system info (current software version, processor,
operating system, etc.) |
Email result plots as JPEG file
Available when Detailed
Message is selected. The software emails the default
result plots in JPEG format as file attachments. When this option is
cleared, the result plots are imbedded in the message
content. |
Send Email notification when
Simulation will complete for all running studies
The software sends an
email notification to the address of the recipient you entered above
when all running studies complete. |