FAQ Costing

Problem Causes Solution
No Costing data appears for Estimated Cost Per Part You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
The part does not have a material applied to it. Apply a material to the part.
In the Costing Task Pane, under Material, you did not select a Class or Name. In the Costing Task Pane, under Material, select a Class and Name.
The Costing template may be incomplete or empty. Either:
  • Add the part material to the Costing template.
  • Add information to the template.
In the Costing Task Pane, under Template, no template appears. The Costing template is missing. In Tools > Options > System Options > File Locations, set the path for Costing templates.
Cannot access the Costing tool for a sheet metal part You are not using SOLIDWORKS Professional or SOLIDWORKS Premium. Costing is only available in SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Cannot access the Costing tool for assemblies You are not using SOLIDWORKS Premium. Costing is only available in SOLIDWORKS Premium.
The model thickness does not match a thickness in the template You have selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
The model thickness is incorrect. Correct the model thickness.
The thickness in the template is incorrect.
  • If the template thickness is close enough to the model thickness, there is no need to make any changes because the cost estimate will likely be close enough.
  • If the template thickness is not close enough to the model thickness and the model thickness is correct, add a new thickness to the template and associated sheet metal or machining information that applies to the material and thickness combination.
Items appear in the No Cost Assigned folder You have selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
The items are recognized as manufacturing features, but there is no manufacturing data in the template for the selected material and thickness combination. For example, library features may be recognized, but there is no data for the particular material and thickness combination. Do one of the following:
  • Edit the template and assign manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
  • Apply a cost override by manually changing the cost in the CostingManager.
The items are not complete manufacturing features and no cost can be calculated. For example, the items are only faces. Do one of the following:
  • Apply a cost override by manually changing the cost in the CostingManager.
  • Create a custom operation to assign a cost to an item.
No Costing data appears for a turned part (part machined on a lathe) You have not assigned turning operation costs in the template. Assign turning operation costs in the machining costing template.
No Costing data appears in the Setup folder You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Costing data for Setup Costs in the template. Do one of the following:
  • Apply a cost override by manually changing the cost in the CostingManager.
  • Assign Costing data to Setup Costs in the template.
The Always Include option is set to No in the template. Set Always Include to Yes if you always want to include it in the part cost calculations. Otherwise, apply a cost override by manually changing the cost in the CostingManager.
No Costing data appears in the Cut Paths folder (CostingManager) You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Cut manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Cut manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
No Costing data appears in the Bends folder (CostingManager) You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Bend manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Bend manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
No Costing data appears in the Library Features folder You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Library Features manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Library Features manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
Costing data appears for the wrong library feature The software uses the value for the library feature that is set as the default in the template if no cost, material, and thickness information is assigned for a specific library feature. Do one of the following:
  • Edit the template and assign manufacturing data for the library feature.
  • Apply a cost override by manually changing the cost in the CostingManager.
No Costing data appears in the Custom Operations folder You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Custom manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Custom manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
No Costing data appears in the Cut Path folder (machining CostingManager) You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Cut (Plate Stock) manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Cut (Plate Stock) manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
No Costing data appears in the Mill Operations folder (machining CostingManager) You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Mill manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Mill manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.
No Costing data appears in the Hole Operations folder (machining CostingManager) You selected an incorrect template. Select the correct template.
You did not assign Drill manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination. Edit the template and assign Drill manufacturing data for this material and thickness combination.