Insert Warning Dialog Box

The Insert Warning dialog box appears when you insert a component that might affect assembly performance.

Parts that contain over 300,000 graphics triangles or that contain over 3,500 faces and over 150,000 graphics triangles trigger the warning. A high number of faces or graphics triangles indicates a high level of detail that can affect performance.

The Insert Warning dialog box provides the following information:

File Name Lists the files that contain a high number of faces or graphics triangles.
Faces Lists the number of faces in the file.
Graphics Triangles Lists the number of graphics triangles in the file.
Performance Evaluation Opens the Performance Evaluation report.

To open this dialog box:

  1. Open a part that meets one of the following conditions:
    • Over 3,500 faces and over 150,000 graphics triangles
    • Over 300,000 graphics triangles
  2. Click File > Make Assembly from Part .
  3. Click to close the PropertyManager.

    The Insert Warning dialog box appears.