Setting Scales for Drawing Views

You can change the scale of a drawing view by selecting a scale from a predefined list or specifying a custom scale.

To set the scale of a drawing view:

Do one of the following:
  • For existing drawing views, select a view or views, then set the Scale in the PropertyManager.
  • For new drawing views where the PropertyManager appears during view insertion (such as Model, Projected, Predefined, etc.), set the Scale in the PropertyManager.
The predefined options in Use custom scale differ based on the dimensioning standard.


You can use a system option to control the scaling of new views.

In Tools > Options > System Options > Drawings, select or clear Automatically scale new drawing views.
  • When selected, new views are scaled to best fit on the drawing sheet, and the scale of the drawing sheet becomes the same as the scale of the views.
  • When cleared, new views are inserted at the scale of the drawing sheet.
When you insert Projected Views, Auxiliary Views and Section Views, the scale is set to Use parent scale. If you change the scale of a parent view, the scale of all child views that use the parent scale is updated.

Scales in PropertyManagers

Some properties for view scales are available in view PropertyManagers.

Availability of each property depends on the view type.

Use parent scale Applies the same scale used for the parent view. If you change the scale of a parent view, the scale of all child views that use the parent scale is updated.
Use sheet scale Applies the same scale used for the drawing sheet.
Use custom scale Applies a scale that you select or define. If you select User Defined, enter a scale in the box, in the following format: x:x or x/x. Select Use model text scale to maintain the geometry used in the annotation views in parts.

The predefined options in Use custom scale differ based on the dimensioning standard.

Setting Custom Scales for Drawing Views

In the Drawing View PropertyManager, you can select Use custom scale and immediately enter a custom scale.

To set custom scales for drawing views:

  1. In a drawing, select an existing view or insert a new view.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Scale, select Use custom scale.
  3. In the box, enter a scale in the format x:x or x/x.
    You can also click and select a predefined scale from the list.