Settings Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to import an Excel spreadsheet for a library. You can also map the Excel column names to the column names used in Routing.

This dialog box appears only if you selected Import a library in Excel format.
To display the dialog box:
  • Click Tools > Routing > Routing Tools > Routing Library Manager, and click Cable Wire Library Wizard , Component Library Wizard , or Covering Library Wizard .
You can also open either wizard from the Windows Start menu. Click All Programs > SOLIDWORKS version > SOLIDWORKS Tools > SOLIDWORKS version Routing Library Manager > wizard

Cable Wire Library Wizard

The following items apply to the Cable Wire Library Wizard.

Excel File path Lets you browse to the Excel file to import.
Library type Sets the type of library: Cable Library, Wire Library, or Ribbon Cable Library. The libraries have different sets of attributes, so you need to select the Library type that corresponds with your data.
Cables Column List, Wires Column List, or Ribbon Cables Column List

Library type Column Name

Displays the column names that are used in the library you are creating or editing.

Excel Column Name

Displays the column names that are used in the Excel file. You can double-click any item in this column to map it to the appropriate item in Library type Column Name.

Cores Column List This appears if you set Library type to Cable Library.

Core Column Name

Displays the core column names that are used in the library you are creating or editing.

Excel Column Name

Displays the column names that are used in the Excel file. You can double-click any item in this column to map it to the appropriate item in Core Column Name.

Component Library Wizard

The following items apply to the Component Library Wizard.

Excel File path Lets you browse to the Excel file to import.
Component Column List

Component Library Column Name

Displays the column names that are used in the library you are creating or editing.

Excel Column Name

Displays the column names that are used in the Excel file. You can double-click any item in this column to map it to the appropriate item in Component Library Column Name.

Covering Library Wizard

Excel File path Lets you browse to the Excel file to import.
Library type Sets the type of library: Piping, Tubing and Ducting or Electrical. The libraries have different sets of attributes, so you need to select the Library type that corresponds with your data.
Covering Column List

Covering Library Column Name

Displays the column names that you use in the library that you are creating or editing:

  • Covering ID: Unique identifying number for the covering type
  • Covering Name: Name that appears in the Coverings PropertyManager and the FeatureManager design tree
  • Covering Type: Used to categorize the coverings into different subtypes and filter items in the Coverings PropertyManager
  • Width: Outer diameter or range of diameters that are valid for this part
  • Thickness: Cross-sectional thickness of the covering
  • Packing: Form in which the covering is supplied.
  • Part Number: Unique value for each covering
  • Application: Where the covering can be used
  • Voltage Breakdown: Minimum allowable voltage to cause the covering to become electrically conductive
  • Shape: Cross-sectional profile of the covering
  • SWColor: Specifies the color for electrical coverings
  • Density: Specifies the mass per-unit-length of the coverings

Excel Column Name

Displays the column names that are used in the Excel file. You can double-click any item in this column to map it to the appropriate item in Covering Library Column Name.

Material Column List This appears if you set Library type to Piping & Tubing.

Material Library Column Name

Displays the material column names that are used in the library you are creating or editing.

Excel Column Name

Displays the column names that you use in the Excel file. You can double-click any item in this column to map it to the appropriate item in Material Library Column Name.