Importing a Library in Excel Format

You can create cable/wire, component, or covering library data in an Excel spreadsheet and import it into SOLIDWORKS to create a library.

  1. Under Excel File path, click Browse (...) and open the Excel file to import.
  2. For a cable/wire or covering library, select the type of library you are going to create from the list.
    A table that corresponds to the type of library you selected appears. (There are two tables for Cable Library and for Piping & Tubing.)
  3. In the table, under Excel Column Name, double-click each row and select the column name in the Excel spreadsheet to map to the library column.
    For covering libraries only, Excel Column Name is under Covering Column List.
  4. If you selected Piping & Tubing in step 2, under Material Column List, under Excel Column Name, double-click each row and select the column name in the Excel spreadsheet to map to items in Material Library Column Name.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Set options in the dialog box.