
You can use the suppressed state to remove a component temporarily from the assembly, without deleting it. SOLIDWORKS does not load the component into memory, and the component is not a functional member of the assembly. You cannot see a suppressed component, or select any of its entities.

With suppressed components removed from memory, performance improves for loading speed, rebuild speed, and display. Because of the reduced complexity, evaluation of the remaining components occurs faster.

However, mates that involve the suppressed components are suppressed. As a result, the positions of components in the assembly can become underdefined. In-context features that reference suppressed components might be affected. When you restore a suppressed component to the fully resolved state, conflicts can occur. Therefore, use the suppressed state carefully when modeling.

Missing components are suppressed. When you open an assembly that has missing components, you are prompted to suppress these components. You can check the referenced file locations to determine which suppressed components are missing. With the model open, click File > Find References. In the dialog box, under In Folder, File not found appears for the missing components.