
A Viewport dominates most of the area in the SOLIDWORKS Visualize window. SOLIDWORKS Visualize has a 3D Viewport, plus additional tabs that appear when you open images in the image viewport or render a model.

3D Viewport

The 3D Viewport shows the open project with the currently selected camera. When you move the camera around the scene or change any content, the 3D Viewport updates in realtime.

Image Viewport

The image viewport displays images that are in the Image library. Screenshots and renders are saved to the Images library, so the image viewport is a convenient way to look at output images.

To open the image viewport:

  1. Click File > Open.
  2. In the Open Project dialog box, navigate to the location where you have saved screen shoots and renderings.

    The default location is install_dir\SOLIDWORKS Visualize Content\Images.

  3. Select the image to view and click Open.

    The name of the image you are viewing is shown in a tab below the menu bar.

The image viewport contains these controls:

Fit to window
Zoom in
Zoom out

Render Viewport

The render viewport displays the image that is currently being rendered. It is located in the Output Viewer tab.

To open the render viewport:

  1. Click Output Tools > Render .
  2. In the dialog box, on the Render tab, click Start Render.

The Output Viewer tab opens with the render viewport visible.