Running a Study

Verifying the Input

It is important to verify your input before running a study:

  • Verify that you have assigned the proper material for each component/shell.
  • Verify that you have specified the proper study properties.
  • Verify that you have specified the proper loads and restraints.
  • Verify the mesh and make sure it corresponds to the desired mesh options.

Running a Study

When you run a study, the software calculates the results based on the specified input for materials, restraints, loads, and mesh.

You can choose to run a study automatically after meshing it by checking the Run (solve) the analysis option in the Mesh PropertyManager.

When you run one or multiple studies, they run as background processes. Right-click the study and select Run. Simulation continues to run in the background after the SOLIDWORKS session is ended. When the simulation completes, results are stored in the designated directory.

To run multiple studies, on the Simulation CommandManager, from the Run tab, click Run All Studies.

To select which studies to run from from the list of available studies, click the down arrow on Run (Simulation CommandManager) and select Run Specified Studies.