Setting Stack Properties in Notes
Use the Stack Properties dialog box to change the appearance of stacked text in Notes, SmartLeaders, and Leaders.
In annotations, fractions and tolerances are represented by stacked text.
You can control the text, alignment position, relative scale, and type of stacked text.
To set stack properties in Notes:
- Right-click an instance of stacked text and click Stack Properties.
- In the dialog box, click Properties.
- Edit Numerator and Denominator as needed.
- If the stacked text represents a tolerance, enter the plus tolerance in Numerator and the minus tolerance in Denominator.
- In Position, specify the alignment of fractions and tolerances:
- Top. Aligns the baseline of fractions or tolerances with the text baseline.
- Center. Aligns fractions or tolerances in the center. This is the default.
- Bottom. Aligns the top of fractions or tolerances with the cap height (the top line of capital letters).
- Note: Position alignment applies to any stacked text in an entire Note.
- In Scale, specify the size of fractions or tolerances as a percentage of the size of the current TextStyle in the range of 25-125%.
- In Type specify the stacked text type:
- Fraction (Horizontal). Stacks the numerator and denominator separated by a horizontal line.
- Fraction (Diagonal). Stacks the numerator and denominator separated by a diagonal line.
- Tolerance. Stacks the text as a tolerance with no line between the numbers.
- Decimal. Stacks the text as a tolerance with no line between the numbers and aligns the decimal point of both numbers.
- In Preview, view the resulting stacked text.
- To set options to stack text automatically, click AutoStack. See Setting AutoStack Options for Notes.
- Click OK.
You can also use the StackOptions command to set position alignment and the relative size of stacked text. See Setting Stack Options.
Note, SmartLeader, Leader, StackOptions
Using Stacked Text in Notes