Configuration Properties PropertyManager

You can specify configuration properties such as name and description, as well as BOM options and other advanced options.

When you create configurations manually, you use the Add Configuration PropertyManager. When you edit a configuration, you use the Configuration Properties PropertyManager. Different options are available when you create or edit configurations for parts and assemblies.

To specify properties for configurations, do one of the following:

  • Create a configuration:
    • In the ConfigurationManager , right-click a part or assembly and click Add Configuration .
    • In the FeatureManager design tree of an assembly, right-click a part or assembly and click Add Configuration .

      You can create a configuration of the assembly component without opening the component in its own window. You must be editing the top-level assembly. The component can be at any level in the FeatureManager design tree. The configuration is stored in the file of the component for which the configuration is created.

  • Edit a configuration:
    • In the ConfigurationManager , right-click a configuration name and click Properties.

Configuration Properties

Name Specifies the configuration name.

Do not use a forward slash (/), a leading space, a trailing space, or an "at" sign (@) in the name. A warning message appears when you close the PropertyManager if the name is blank, contains invalid characters, or already exists.

Description (Optional) Specifies a description that identifies the configuration when you view configuration properties.

Bill of Materials Options

Part number displayed when used in a bill of materials Specifies how to list the assembly or part in a Bill of Materials. Select a physical product.
Set 'Exclude from bill of materials' when inserted into assembly Excludes a component, configuration, or model from the bill of materials.

When you select this option, the exclusion occurs the next time you insert the component, configuration, or model.

Child component display when used as a subassembly (Assemblies only) When you use the configuration of the assembly as a subassembly in another assembly, the settings are used with the BOM Type settings in the Bill of Materials PropertyManager. The settings control if and how the child components appear in a bill of materials of the top-level assembly. Select an option:


Shows the child components in the BOM if dictated by BOM Type in the Bill of Materials PropertyManager. Child components do not show in a Top-level only BOM.


Hides the child components in the BOM, even if BOM Type shows them. The subassembly appears as a single item in the BOM. For example, a Parts only BOM lists child components as individual items. If you select Hide, the subassembly is listed instead.


Dissolves the subassembly in the BOM and shows the child components, even if the BOM Type does not show them. For example, a Top-level only BOM lists the subassembly and not the child components. If you select Promote, the Top-level only BOM lists the child components and does not list the subassembly.

Cut list item display when component is used in an assembly (Indented BOM type with detailed cut list only) (Weldments only) Shows, hides, or promotes cut list items of indented BOMs.

Promote dissolves the part level row and shows the cut list items in the indented BOM when you select Detailed Cut List

In the FeatureManager design tree, you can right-click any component and click Restore in BOM to move the components back to Show Cutlist.

Advanced Options

The following properties control what happens when you add items to another configuration, and then activate this configuration again. The options that are available depend on the type of document.

Suppress features (Parts only) Suppresses new features in this configuration that are added to other configurations. When cleared, includes the new, resolved features in this configuration.
Suppress new features and mates (Assemblies only) Suppresses new mates and features in this configuration that are added to other configurations. When cleared, includes the new, resolved mates and features in this configuration.

New features in assemblies include assembly feature cuts and holes, component patterns, reference geometry, and sketches. These features belong to the assembly and not to an assembly component.

Suppress new components (Assemblies only) Suppresses new components in this configuration that are added to other configurations. When cleared, includes the new, resolved components in this configuration.
Use configuration specific color Specifies a color for the configuration. Click Color to select a color from the color palette.
The configuration-specific color applies to shaded mode unless you select Apply same color to wireframe, HLR and shaded in Tools > Options > Document Properties > Model Display.
To apply a configuration-specific color to components in an assembly, right-click the component in the FeatureManager design tree, expand Appearances , and select the component . In the PropertyManager, select a color.
Add Rebuild on Save Mark Applies the Rebuild on Save mark to the configuration. The configuration generates the full data set the next time you save the document. The data rebuilds and saves every time you save the document.
Available when the model is not updated for compatibility with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. For information on updating models, see Updating Models for 3DEXPERIENCE Compatibility.

Parent/Child Options

Available only in assemblies and only when you add a configuration to the assembly or one of its components. Select the components to which you want to add the configuration.

For example, you have an assembly, which contains a subassembly. The subassembly contains a component. Under Parent/Child Options, select the subassembly and component to add the configuration to the subassembly and the component when you add the configuration to the assembly.