Opening Third-Party CAD Files in SOLIDWORKS

To open a third-party CAD file in SOLIDWORKS:

  1. Click File > Open.
  2. Optional: 3DEXPERIENCE Users: If the Open from 3DEXPERIENCE dialog box appears, click This PC.
  3. In the dialog box, in Files of type, select the third-party CAD file.
  4. Click Options.
  5. In the System Options dialog box, set options, including:
    Option Description
    File Format Sets the third-party CAD file format.
    Entities to Read From 3rd Party CAD Files Reads the selected items from the third-party CAD file:
    • Solid Body
    • Surface Body
    • Reference Plane
    • Reference Axis
    • Unconsumed Sketch(es) and Curves
    • Custom Properties
    • Material Properties
    Ignore Hidden Entities Disregards the hidden entities.
    Import tool bodies from UG NX Imports tool bodies from Unigraphics and NX.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Open.
    The third-party CAD file opens in SOLIDWORKS. The 3D Interconnect references for assemblies and sub-assemblies are dissolved and corresponding SOLIDWORKS assembly and part files are created for each component reference. The SOLIDWORKS part file contains the 3D Interconnect feature link to the third-party CAD part file.