Managing Graphic Attributes Symbol, 2D footprint, and title block attributes propagate information stored in the database. This section explains how to manage these attributes. Contents Inserting Attributes You can select attributes and insert them in the graphic area. Translatable Text The translatable text option allows adding specific attributes that propagate a translation in multiple languages. This translatable text displays the required language when you change the main language of the electrical project. You can use this type of attribute in the title blocks or specific symbols like the wiring cable labels. Creating a Multiple Attribute You can create a multiple attribute, which is an attribute based on an existing single attribute that displays over several lines of text. Modifying Attribute Properties You can modify the name and the text definition in the attribute properties. Replacing Attributes You can replace one attribute with another. Using Attribute Tools This topic explains the tool options for managing attributes. Managing Revision Attributes You can manage revision attributes in the title block editor. They are displayed in the modification grid of the title block. Parent topicGraphical Management Dialog Boxes