Macros This topic explains macros and their types. Contents About Macros A macro is a part of a scheme that you have already drawn and that you want to re-use in another drawing or another electrical project. Macros are grouped together within a library and are thus available for use by all electrical projects. Creating Scheme Macros You can create a scheme macro from a drawing that contains the elements you want to store and reuse. Inserting Scheme Macros You can insert a macro from the ribbon menu or palette. Creating a Project Macro You can create a project macro from a book, folder, or drawing. Inserting a Project Macro You can insert a project macro into a project, book, or folder. Selecting Macros The macros present in the macro selector are the ones that are stored in the macro library. Macro Management SOLIDWORKS Electrical has a library where you can store parts of schemes, called Macros. Macro Properties This topic explains the options in Macro Properties. Parent topicSOLIDWORKS Electrical