
To route wires, cables, and harnesses, you need SOLIDWORKS and the SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D add-in installed.

The process of routing cables differs from the process of routing wires. When routing cables you must manually define the origin and destination for each cable. When routing wires, the origin and destination are defined when you create the electrical scheme. However, you must ensure that the routing of wires complies with the cabling order.

In both processes, you can integrate the routing paths of wires and cables into assembly diagrams. One method is to represent these routing paths by ducts in the assembly. This method routes cables and wires through the defined paths or ducts.

The Segregation feature manages which paths are mandatory or forbidden for certain cables and wires.

When you finish the routing process, the required lengths of wires and cables are updated. At this point in the process, you can generate a report that includes these lengths: