Cable Reference Management

All of the cable references are stored in a single database. They are classified and you can filter them to make searches easy.

To open the Cable reference management, click Library > Cable reference management .

The Classification tab in the left side of the dialog box displays the list of Classes, the first criteria for the classification of the references. The Filters tab searches for a reference to modify its properties. The right-hand side of the dialog box displays the list of references contained in the selected class or the list of cables satisfying the filter criteria.

Icon/ Options Description
New Reference To add a new cable reference:
  1. Select a Class on the left-hand side of the Cable reference management
  2. Click New reference.

    You can also select a cable reference (right-hand side of the Cable reference management) to create a new reference. This reference automatically recieves the characteristics of the selected reference.

  3. Modify the options in the reference properties dialog box. For more information, see Cable Properties.
Multiple Insertion Behaves the same as New reference except that the properties dialog box does not close on validation, but asks you if you want to create another new reference.
Import Imports a customized list of references to integrate them into the catalogs. You can also create a new Excel file for import and import template from the Cable reference management dialog box.
Delete Allows you to delete the selected references.
Properties Opens the Properties dialog box of the selected cable references. If you select several cable references, the Properties dialog box displays only the common properties. For more information, see Cable Properties.
Cut Places a copy of the selected references on the SOLIDWORKS Electrical clipboard and deletes the originals.

You can also use the shortcut: Ctrl + X.

Copy Places a copy of the selected references on the SOLIDWORKS Electrical clipboard and keeps the originals. Copy is also used to copy the selected element list to another application such as Excel (List mode only).

You can also use the shortcut: Ctrl + C.

Paste Pastes the reference present on the SOLIDWORKS Electrical clipboard. A new reference is created.

You can also use the shortcut: Ctrl + V.

Select all Selects all the references displayed on the right-hand side of the Cable reference management.
Configuration Manages the display settings for items in the dialog box.
Archive Select the references you want to archive and click the Archive icon.

A dialog box opens, allowing you to save the archive file.

Unarchive A file selection dialog box opens where you can select a TEWZIP file for unarchiving. The Update data wizard will open automatically. Refer to the Archive / Unarchive chapter for more information.
Electrical content portal Used to access downloads of archived files from Electrical Content Portal. These files include the latest reference updates. The cable references are grouped by the manufacturer in a catalog with the manufacturer's name. Not all of the cable references are in the catalog. The downloaded files are automatically unarchived.
Update subscription Allows you to check if your subscription is available. The subscription is mandatory to access to Electrical Content Portal.
Classification Management Allows you to manage the different classes in which the cables are stored.
Language Changes the language of the description.
Dimension Units Specifies the unit system you want to use for dimensioning the cables.