Electrical Project Cable Properties

This topic explains the Electrical Project Cable Properties options.

To open Electrical Project Cable Properties, do one of the following:
  • Click Cable Management > Properties .
  • Right-click a wire in a schematic or a cable in a line diagram, and click Cable Properties .

In the cable properties dialog box you can modify the cable mark, which is automatically created when a cable is added to the electrical project. The mark is calculated according to the configuration parameters.


Option Description
Mode If you select Automatic, the mark is calculated automatically according to the configuration settings. If you select Manual, you must enter the mark manually in the Mark setting.
Mark Displays the automatic mark or lets you enter the manual mark.
Root Displays the root associated with the cables.
Number Displays the order number assigned to the cable. You can change this number but you cannot use an existing number.


Option Description
Upstream location The From location of the cable. For more information, see Locations.
Downstream location The To location of the cable.
Function The function the cable is serving. For more information, see Functions.

Cable Reference

Option Description
Cable Reference Properties Click ... to open the cable reference properties dialog box.
Reference Displays the cable reference.
Manufacturer Displays the cable manufacturer.
Diameter Displays the diameter of the cable. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value. You can change the value if necessary.
Bend Radius Factor Displays the value of the bend radius factor. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value. It is used to calculate the bend radius.
Bend radius (Bend radius factor X Diameter) This value is automatically calculated using the bend radius factor and the diameter. You can change it if necessary.
Linear mass The linear mass is the ratio between the mass and the length of the cable. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value.
Voltage drop (V/A/Km) The drop voltage of the cable. Generally, the manufacturer provides this value or you can calculate it.
Family Displays the family of the cable.
Standard Displays the standard of the cable.
Article Number Displays the internal information managed by the user. This value is used when you have your own cable stock management.
External ID Displays the ID of the cable. This personal value is used when you have your own cable stock management.


Option Description
Supplier name Displays the supplier name of the cable. This personal value is used when you have your own cable stock management.
Stock number Displays the stock number. This personal value is used when you have your own cable stock management.


Option Description
Length Displays the length of the cable. You can modify it or enter a new value.
Color Associates a color to the cable. Click ... to select a color.


These options specify data that lets you calculate the voltage drop for the cable.

Option Description
Do calculation Calculates the drop voltage from the following parameters.
Applied voltage (V) Enter the applied voltage used by the cable.
Full load current (A) Enter the full load current used by the cable.
Inrush factor Enter the inrush factor.


The first translatable data field is for the cable. You can enter a description in all languages managed in the electrical project.

User data/Translatable data

User data is present across the entire electrical project. It is used to store personalized information that is displayed in the drawings. There are two types of user data: translatable user data (translated during electrical project translation) and nontranslatable user data.

Click Customize to open the cable user data.