Motor PropertyManager

Motors are Motion Study elements that move components in an assembly by simulating the effects of various types of motors.

To open the Motor PropertyManager:

From an assembly, click Motor (MotionManager toolbar).

Motor Type

Rotary Motor Specifies a rotary motor.
Linear Motor (Actuator) Specifies a linear motor.
Path Mate Motor (Motion Analysis only) For a selected path mate in the assembly, specifies displacement, velocity, or acceleration as a body moves along a path.


Path Mate Selects the path mate that defines the path of motion.
Reverse Direction

Reverses the direction of motion.


Selects the component relative to which the motion is applied.


Motor Location Selects a feature at which to locate the motor.
Reverse Direction

Reverses the direction of motion.

  Motor Direction Selects the feature, such as a face or an edge that defines the directional axis of the motor.

Selects the component relative to which the motion is applied.


Constant speed Specifies a constant speed motor.
  • Speed

    Sets the speed of a constant speed motor.

Distance Specifies that the motor operates for a set distance and time frame.
  • Displacement

    Sets the distance of operation for a distance motor.

  • Start time

    Sets the start time for the operation of a distance motor.

  • Duration time

    Sets the time duration of operation of a distance motor

Oscillating Specifies an oscillating motor profile.
  • Displacement

    Sets an offset profile amplitude for an oscillating motor.

  • Frequency

    Sets the profile frequency for an oscillating motor.

  • Phase Shift

    Sets the profile phase shift for an oscillating motor.

Servo Motor (Motion Analysis only) Specifies a servo motor that you can use for event-based motion studies.
  • Displacement

    Specifies a displacement servo motor.

  • Velocity

    Specifies a velocity servo motor.

  • Acceleration

    Specifies an acceleration servo motor.

Segments In the Function Builder dialog box, selects the component relative to which the motion is applied.

Defines profile from piecewise continuous functions of time or cycle angle.

Data Points

In the Function Builder dialog box, defines a profile from an interpolated data set as a function of time, cycle angle, or motion study results.


In the Function Builder dialog box, defines a profile as a mathematical expression of time, cycle angle, or motion study results.

Load Function from File

Importings a function created with the Function Builder from a .sldfcn file.

Delete Functions In the Delete Motion Functions dialog box, deletes functions created with the Function Builder.

Permits editing of selected profile type.

More Options

Use this section to set motion relative to another part, and to select components for load-bearing faces or edges to transfer them to SOLIDWORKS Simulation.

Load-bearing Faces/Edges Specifies the load-bearing faces or edges.


Motors move components in a selected direction, but they are not forces. Motor strength does not vary based on component size or mass. For example, a small cube moves at the same speed as a large cube if you set the velocity of the motor to a given value in both cases.

If something causes the reference point of the motor direction to change, the motor continues to move the component in the new direction. This can occur, for example, if there is a collision between the component that is moved by the motor and another component.

Do not add more than one motor of the same type to the same component.

Motion from motors supersedes motion from any other simulation element. If you have a motor moving a component to the left, and a spring pulling a component to the right, the component moves to the left, while the power consumption of the motor increases.