EwErrorCode | runCommand (BSTR strCommand) |
| Run a command. More...
IEwEnvironmentX | getEwEnvironment (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
IEwEnvironmentX | newEwEnvironment () |
| Create a IEwEnvironmentX object from the current API. More...
IEwProjectX | getEwProjectCurrent (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the active project. More...
IEwDialogSummaryX | getEwDialogSummary (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the summary dialog wrapper. More...
IEwDialogManufacturerPartSelectorX | getEwDialogManufacturerPartSelector (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the manufacturer part selector dialog wrapper. More...
IEwDialogTaskX | getEwDialogTask (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the task dialog wrapper. More...
IEwRightsManagerX | getEwRightsManager (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the rights manager. More...
EwErrorCode | openEwProjectID (LONG lID) |
| Open a project in the application interface. More...
EwErrorCode | closeEwProjectID (LONG lID) |
| Close a project already opened in the application interface. More...
IEwDialogManufacturerPartOrderingX | getEwDialogManufacturerPartOrdering (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the manufacturer part ordering dialog wrapper. More...
IEwDialogAlignPartsParametersSelectorX | getEwDialogAlignPartsParametersSelector (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get align parameters selector dialog wrapper. More...
EwErrorCode | importFile (BSTR strFileToImport, BSTR strOutputPath) |
| To import .ema, .ems files. More...
BSTR | getApplicationVersion () |
| Get the application version as: 2016.1.2 Version 2016 is the major number, 1 is for minor number, 2 is for Service pack. More...
BSTR | getApiDllVersion () |
| Get the version of the ActiveX dll loaded in memory. More...
IEwDialogLocationSelectorX | getEwDialogLocationSelector (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the location selector dialog wrapper. More...
IEwDialogMacroSelectorX | getEwDialogMacroSelector (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get the macro selector dialog wrapper. More...
IEwApplicationSettingsX | getEwApplicationSettings (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the application settings interface. More...
EwErrorCode | loadRespan (BSTR strFilePath) |
| Load a file with extention .respan containing the definition of a ribbon tab to be added to the application ribbon. More...
EwErrorCode | unloadRespan (BSTR strFilePath) |
| Unload a .respan file. More...
BSTR | getName () |
| Return the name of application. More...
IEwCommandManagerX | getEwCommandManager (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the IEwCommandManagerX command manager interface. More...
IEwXLSBookX | newEwXLSBook (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| To get a new XLSBookX wrapper. More...
IEwDialogProgressX | getEwDialogProgress (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the progress dialog wrapper. More...
IEwDialogResumeX | getEwDialogResume (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the resume dialog wrapper. More...
IEwProjectX | openProjectFromFilePath (BSTR strFilePath, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Open a project from the input file path. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | isEwProjectOpened (long lProjectId, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Return true if the project is opened in application user interface. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | isEwMacroOpened (long lMacroId, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Return true if the macro is opened in application user interface. More...
EwErrorCode | openEwMacroID (LONG lID) |
| Open a macro in the application interface. More...
EwErrorCode | closeEwMacroID (LONG lID) |
| Close a macro already opened in the application interface. More...
BSTR | findFile (BSTR strFileName, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Find a file in application folders. More...
BSTR | getWinAppName () |
| return 2D application name, to substitute WIN_APP_NAME in the resource strings More...
IEwRibbonX | getEwRibbon (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| return an IEwRibbonX interface to EwRibbonX object. More...
BSTR | getFolderPath (EwApplicationFolderPathValue eApplicationFolderPathValue, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Return path of utility application folder, next to binary folder. More...
EwErrorCode | activate () |
| Activate the application. More...
EwApISoftType | getApplicationType (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Return application type. More...
EwErrorCode | getSystemInformation (BSTR strPath) |
| Collect information on electrical application. More...
EwPdmType | getEwPdmType (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Return current EwPdmType enum type. More...
EwErrorCode | setEwPdmType (EwPdmType ePdmType) |
| Set type of PDM integration. More...
EwErrorCode | close () |
| Close the application. More...
IEwDialogProjectManagerX | getEwDialogProjectManager (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
IEwDockingPaneManagerX | getEwDockingPaneManager (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| return an IEwDockingPaneManagerX interface to EwDockingPaneManagerX object. More...
IEwSaveDWGImageX | newEwSaveDWGImage (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Create an object to convert DWG on picture. More...
IEwCaptionBarX | getEwCaptionBar (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Return an IEwCaptionBarX interface to manage the software Caption Bar. More...
IEwManagerDialogX | getEwManagerDialogObject (EwDialogManagerType eDialogManager, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the Manager dialog wrapper with the IEwManagerDialogX interface. More...
IEwSelectorDialogX | getEwSelectorDialogObject (EwDialogSelectorType eDialogSelector, EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the Selector dialog wrapper with the IEwSelectorDialogX interface. More...
IEwDocumentX | getEwDocumentCurrent (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the IEwDocumentX from current document. More...
IEwDocumentManagerX | getEwDocumentManager (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get IEwDocumentManagerX object to manage all the Document in the application. More...
IEwMenuManagerX | getEwMenuManager (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the IEwMenuManagerX object to manage all the API context menu in the application. More...
IEwESX3DExperienceX | getEwESX3DExperienceX (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get the IEwESX3DExperienceX object to manage 3DExperience platform operation. More...
IDispatch | getSWCEFComApplication (EwErrorCode *errorCode) |
| Get SWCEFComApplication in a singleton way. More...
Use this interface to manage the application.
- Since
- 2018 SP0