| 1 Pane | Specifies the viewport pane arrangement for the current document.
To select a viewport pane, click in the pane or move the mouse pointer over a pane and press
Esc. The
icon in the lower-left corner indicates the active pane.
When there is more than one pane,
Main Viewport is displayed at the bottom of the primary viewport pane. The
Camera viewport property is animatable for the main viewport pane only.
Some display attributes are common to all panes while other are unique:
Common to all panes: Actor appearance (visibility and properties), rendering style
Unique to each pane: Camera orientation (zoom scale and rotation angle), viewport properties (background, grid, and so on)
 | 2 Horizontal Panes |
 | 2 Vertical Panes |
 | 3 Panes - 1 Left & 2 Horizontal Right |
 | 3 Panes - 1 Right & 2 Horizontal Left |
 | 3 Panes - 1 Up & 2 Vertical Down |
 | 3 Panes - 1 Down & 2 Vertical Up |
 | 4 Panes |
Show/Hide Vector View | Toggles display of the Technical Illustration workshop preview image if one has already been generated. When
ExternalVectorViewWindow is enabled, vector images are displayed in Internet Explorer See Application Preferences - Advanced Settings. Otherwise, vector images appear in a viewport pane.
You must have at least two viewport panes displayed to see the vector view.
 | Full Screen Mode
| Expands the viewport to fill the computer screen. To exit full screen mode, click
Close Full Screen or press
F11. |