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Workshops Tab

Workshops are feature sets that help you create different output formats and perform other operations.

Icon Workshop Name Description
Getting Started The Getting Started workshop lets you open Composer Help, release notes, recently used files, and sample models.
Models The Model Browser lets you browse the file system for Composer files.
Textures The Textures workshop lets you apply 2D images (such as materials and logos) to 3D actor surfaces.
Styles Workshop The Styles workshop lets you create and manage styles. Styles are sets of property definitions you apply to actors to easily implement consistent appearances and behaviors.
Filters Workshop The Filters workshop lets you locate geometry and collaborative actors based on their properties.
Image Library The Image Library contains stock images from which you can create image 2D panels.
BOM The BOM workshop lets you manage the bill of materials (BOM) list and table. A BOM is a list of parts, which is an essential part of the design and manufacture of most products.
Technical Illustration The Technical Illustration workshop lets you create and publish vectorized images of your scene.
High Resolution Image The High Resolution Image workshop lets you generate high resolution raster images (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG) of your scene.
Views The Views workshop lets you create and update views.
Video The Video workshop lets you create AVI (.avi) video files of your animations.
Simplification The Simplification workshop reduces the size and improves the graphical performance of your models.
Clearance Checking The Clearance Checking workshop performs static clash detection, clearance checking, and minimal distance tests. Use this workshop to qualify service and assembly procedures.
Interactive Collision Detection The Interactive Collision Detection workshop checks whether actors collide with other actors during an animation or when moving a selection.

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