Share Dialog Box

You can use the Share dialog box to share files to various locations.

To access the Share dialog box, click Share (Lifecycle and Collaboration toolbar) or File > Share.

Share file

Share a copy of the model with people outside your organization by exporting it as a file to 3DDrive.

File name The existing file name is autogenerated but you can change it.
File type From the menu, select the output file type. 3DXML (default) is the recommended file type. Other available file types are SLDPRT, SOLIDWORKS Assembly (*.sldasm, *.zip), 2D PDF, STEP AP203, STEP AP214, STL, IGS, and for drawings only, DXF, DWG, and PNG.

Click Settings to open the System Options > Export dialog box and specify the export options.

3DDrive folder The default is My Files\Share with external. To specify a different folder, click Select folder in 3DDrive and in the dialog box, select a folder under My Files or Shared with me.

Share in community

With 3DSwym, you can publish files in the context of a community or conversation on your internal platform or in a public community.

File name The existing file name is autogenerated but you can change it.
File type Select the output file type from the menu.
  • 3DXML (*.3dxml) - Default (For parts and assemblies)
  • SLDPRT (*.sldprt) - (For parts only)
  • PNG (*.png) - (For parts, assemblies, and drawings)