Sharing Files to 3DSwym

3DEXPERIENCE users can share SOLIDWORKS files as models or pictures to 3DSwym communities where members can provide feedback or mark up the files.

You must be a member of a 3DSwym community.

To share files to 3DSwym:

  1. With a model open, click Share (Lifecycle and Collaboration toolbar) or File > Share.
  2. In the dialog box, click Share in community and specify the options.
    1. In File name, specify the name if you want to change it from the default.
    2. In File type, click and select the file type to share the model as.
      • 3DXML (*.3dxml) - Parts and assemblies
      • SLDPRT (*.sldprt) - Parts
      • PNG (*.png) - Parts, assemblies, and drawings
    3. You can click to open the System Options > Export tab and specify the export options.
    4. Click Continue.
  3. In the dialog box, specify the options.
    1. Click Community or Conversation.
    2. Select a content type:
      • Media
      • Post
      • Question (Community only)
      • Idea (Community only)
    3. Select a Community or a Conversation.
    4. Enter a Title and Description.
    5. For Community, to display the post on the What's New community in addition to the selected community, select Display on What's New.
    6. Click Publish.