File and Model Search Options
Set options for SolidWorks File and Model Search.
To set search options:
Click Options
click Tools, Options.
Select File and Model Search.
Specify the options described below, then click
Click Reset
to restore factory defaults for all system options or only for options
on this page.
Search while typing (incremental search). Start the
search as you type the search string.
Include 3D Content Central results.
the 3D models that are included in the 3D
ContentCentral database.
Results per page. Specify the
number of documents to be shown on each page of the Task Pane Search
Results tab.
Maximum results per data source (independent
of 3D ContentCentral). Number of results for a search attempt.
The user cannot specify the number of return results for
3D ContentCentral, which is controlled by the server.
Indexing Performance
Specify when indexing takes place. All locations
in the list on the Task Pane Search Results
tab are indexed.
Index only when computer is idle.
Improves performance.
Always index (may slow SolidWorks).
Ensures that the search index is always up to date.
Schedule file dissection for Design Clipart. The SolidWorks files you
search are dissected to make their components easy to locate and reuse.
Schedule dissection daily to automatically
dissect files in search paths.
dissection on or off.
Daily Start Time: Time
to begin the scheduled dissection.
Daily Stop Time: Time
to end the scheduled dissection.
Location: Folder
to save the dissected files.