- Clearance Verification
With Clearance Verification, you can check the clearance between selected components in assemblies. The software checks the minimum distance between the components and reports clearances that fail to meet the minimum acceptable clearance you specify.
- Dynamic Clearance
You can dynamically detect the clearance between components when moving or rotating a component. As you move or rotate a component, a dimension appears indicating the minimum distance between the selected components.
- Collision Detection
You can detect collisions with other components when moving or rotating a component.
- Interference Detection
Interference Detection identifies interferences between components, and helps you to examine and evaluate those interferences. Interference Detection is useful in complex assemblies, where it can be difficult to visually determine whether components interfere with each other.
- Hole Alignment
Hole Alignment checks assemblies for misaligned holes.
- Sensors
Sensors monitor selected properties of parts and assemblies and alert you when values deviate from the limits you specify.