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General Quality Enhancements


  • When you modify the position of a flattened length annotation with the Drawings tool, make changes in the 3D route, and return to the flattened length annotation, the position remains the same as the user-defined position. Previously, when the position of the flattened length annotation was manually modified and changes were made in the 3D route, the annotations would move back to the previously defined position.
  • When you modify the position of a Connector Table with the Drawings tool in an assembly, make changes in the 3D route, and return to the Connector Table, the position remains the same as the user-defined position. Previously, when the position of the Connector Table was manually modified and changes were made in the 3D route, the Connector Table would move back to the previously defined position.


  • With the Change Route Diameter tool, you can change the route of the diameter for the routes which are created on the fly.
  • You can view the Pipe Length in notes and custom properties of a piping route. You can view the Pipe Length in the Bill of Materials in a drawing.
  • You can design spools faster by selecting only one part of an assembly to be part of the spool and not the whole assembly.
  • In the Angle command of the Pipe Slope PropertyManager, you can provide angular dimensions as inputs for slope values.

Mates Tool

You can reposition connectors or fittings in an assembly by using the Mates tool. The alignment sketch relations associated with stubs of connectors and fittings are removed to avoid overdefined or unsolvable sketch conditions. The sketch constraints are added back to the sketch, wherever necessary.

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