An enhanced search capability provides filtered access to content within the MySolidWorks Web site and lets you search within multiple categories at once.
When you open the SOLIDWORKS software and expand the search menu in the upper right corner, you see options for:
To see the search filters that are available for the MySolidWorks site, expand MySolidWorks.
With the exception of Manufacturers, all options are selected by default. By selecting fewer filters, you can narrow your search before navigating to the MySolidWorks Web site.
You can specify the search types for places to search every time you initiate a MySolidWorks search. You can also search just one location without changing your regular search.
To search selected types within the MySolidWorks Web site:
- In the expanded list, select only the types to search. Clear all other types.
- Type a search term.
- Click
or press Enter.The MySolidWorks Web site opens in a browser with the search types you selected listed.
To search a single MySolidWorks search type:
- In the expanded list, select the label (not the check box) of the search type to use.
- Type a search term.
- Click
or press Enter.The MySolidWorks Web site opens to the selected search type.