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Managing Access to SOLIDWORKS Versions

You can restrict users from using specific versions of SOLIDWORKS in a SolidNetWork environment. This capability allows you to manage the versions of SOLIDWORKS used by different individuals, projects, and business units.

To manage access to SOLIDWORKS versions using a a FLEXnet options file:

  1. In the SolidNetwork License Manager installation directory, create a text file:
  2. To manage access to a specific SOLIDWORKS version in the license file, add the following syntax next to SOLIDWORKS:
    :SWVERSION=xx where xx is the version of the SOLIDWORKS product you want to manage
  3. To manage multiple versions of SOLIDWORKS, add a line for each version you want to manage.

    Not all FLEXnet options are supported. The supported options for version filters are:

    INCLUDE Only allow the user or group the ability to start the specific version. All other users will not be allowed to start that version.
    INCLUDE_BORROW Only allow the user or group the ability to borrow the specific version. All other users will not be allowed to borrow that version.
    EXCLUDE Prohibit the listed user or group from starting the specific version of SOLIDWORKS. EXCLUDE supersedes INCLUDE.
    EXCLUDE_BORROW Prohibit the listed user or group from borrowing the specific version of SOLIDWORKS. EXCLUDE supersedes INCLUDE.
    1 SWVERSION=24.0 refers to SOLIDWORKS 2016
      SWVERSION=23.0 refers to SOLIDWORKS 2015
    2 INCLUDE solidworks:SWVERSION=24.0 USER jane
      INCLUDE_BORROW solidworks:SWVERSION=24.0 USER jane
      These lines in the options file would allow only jane to run or SOLIDWORKS 2016. All other users cannot run or borrow SOLIDWORKS 2016, but they can run and borrow other versions of SOLIDWORKS. jane can also run and borrow other versions of SOLIWORKS.
    3 GROUP chicago USER john robert eva
      EXCLUDE solidworks:SWVERSION=24.0 GROUP chicago
      EXCLUDE solidworks:SWVERSION=23.0 GROUP chicago
      EXCLUDE solidworks USER don
      These lines define a GROUP of users called chicago and denies them access to both SOLIDWORKS 2015 and SOLIDWORKS 2016, but they can run any other version of SOLIDWORKS. User don cannot run any version of SOLIDWORKS.
    4 EXCLUDE swinspection_std:SWVERSION=24.0 HOST machine1
      This line prohibits anyone on machine1 from launching SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2016. Any use machine1 can run another version of SOLIDWORKS Inspection 2015.

    For more information about FLEXnet, see the FLEXnet Publisher License Administration Guide in the SolidNetwork License Manager installation directory (\Docs\flexuser\licensingenduserguide.pdf).

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