3D PMI Compare Tool

To display the 3D PMI Compare tool, in a part, click Tools > Compare > 3D PMI .

Page 1

Use this page to select the two documents to compare and run the comparison.

Part Selection

Reference document Select or browse to the first part.
Modified document Select or browse to the second part.
Run comparison Click to compare the 3D PMI between the two parts.


Unique data Displays the color of data that is in only one of the parts.
Modified data Displays the color of data that is different in the parts.
  Click to view results page.

Page 2

Use this page to view a table of results and save the data as a report.

Save Click to save the comparison data as a report.
Compare Part1

Lists comparisons:

Unique data

Data in exactly one part.

Modified data

Data that is different in both parts.

Compare Part2

Lists comparisons:

Unique data

Data in exactly one part.

Modified data

Data that is different in both parts.


Unique data Displays the color of data that is in only one of the parts.
Modified data Displays the color of data that is different in the parts.
  Click to view parts selection page.