Measurement PropertyManager

Measure From and Measure To

select_face_planar.png Selected face Select faces of two features to establish the measurement.
  Specify Exact Point Directs the measurement to a specific point on one or both features. This restricts the computation of the worst case results to be at the specified point instead of considering the entire boundary or axis of the feature. Example: Specifying Exact Points for Measurements

The explicit point can be a vertex point or reference point (defined using Insert > Reference Geometry > Point ). An explicit point is coincident with the plane or axis of the feature, but is not required to lie within the feature's boundary or axis endpoints. These examples illustrate the use of explicit points using reference points.

These examples illustrate the use of explicit points using reference points.
  • The measurement is defined using reference points created at the top of the two pins.

  • The reference points are placed directly opposite one another on the surfaces of the two planes.

  Center, Minimum, and Maximum Directs the measurement to the center or edge of the feature. These options are available when you select a feature-of-size.


The minimum and maximum side options are supported for these feature types:
  • Boss
  • Cylinder
  • Notch
  • Simple Hole
  • Slot
  • Width

Measurement Direction

Sets the direction of the dimension when the measurement is applied between two axes (including slot axes).

X, Y, and Z These options are relative to the coordinate system and are enabled for each axis that is perpendicular to the axes of the features.
N Normal. Orients the dimension at the shortest distance normal to the two axes.
U User defined. Orients the dimension along a selected line or normal to a selected planar face.
The example illustrates two measurements defined to evaluate the offset between two bearing bores, where one is defined along the X-axis and the other along the Z-axis.