Examples: Applying Multiple Constraints to Features

You can define multiple constraints as primary, secondary, or tertiary.

For example, an assembly could require you to mate a feature with more than one feature, such as a shaft constrained at both ends by a set of bores.


Applying multiple constraints  
  Secondary shaft
In this example, the main shaft, which is mated to the housing, must align with the housing's left and right-side holes. The secondary shaft must align to the center bores of the two cover plates.
  Main shaft
When constraining the main shaft to the housing, select the concentric options for the both the left and right-hand hole as primary constraints.

When constraining the secondary shaft, select the concentric options for each cover plate as primary constraints.

Other examples of applying multiple constraints:

Coincident constraints for planes mated with multiple coplanar planes on one or more parts  
You can mate the cover to the two planes on the base using two coincident constraints.
Concentric constraints applied simultaneously to two sets of holes  
You can mate the four holes on the cover with four holes on the housing as the secondary constraint.