Customizable Columns Dialog Box

You can use the Customizable Columns dialog box to customize the display of file data.

To display the dialog box:

  • For an existing column set, expand Columns and double-click the column set.
  • To create a new column set, right-click Columns and select New Column Set.
Column set name The column set name.
File List

Adds columns for data card variable value to the file listing in Windows File Explorer. You can assign File List column sets to specific users or groups.

Search Result

Adds columns to the search result in the search tool. Search Result column sets are available to all users with access to Search.

Quick Search Result

Adds columns to the quick search results in the SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer. You can assign Quick Search Result column sets to specific users or groups.

Preview Shows how the column set appears to users.
Columns Lists columns that have been added.
New Column

Adds a new column. Set column properties under Selected column.

Delete Column

Removes the selected column.

Move column leftwards

Moves the column up in the Columns list, which moves it to the left in the Preview.

Move column rightwards

Moves the column down in the Columns list, which moves it to the right in the Preview.

Users (File list column sets only.) Users who can be assigned to see the column set.
Groups (File list column sets only.) Groups whose members can be assigned to see the column set.

Selected column

Set these options for each column you add.

Variable Select the file or folder card variable or system variable (enclosed in < >) whose value can be retrieved in the Windows File Explorer column.
You cannot use system variables in file list column sets except <Associated Item>, <Version Number>, and <ID>.
<Associated Item>

Item that links to the file, if any. If the file is associated with multiple items, one item ID is displayed followed by , ....


Category of the file.

<Checked Out By>

If checked out, shows the user who has the file checked out.

<Checked Out In>

If checked out, shows the system and path where the file is checked out.

<File Type>

Registered file type of the file.

<Found in Version>

Most recent file version the search criteria is found in.

<Found In>

Path in the vault where the file is found.


Unique document ID assigned to each file in the vault. This ID can be useful when exporting BOMs to XML.

<Latest Version>

Latest version of the file.


Date file was most recently modified.


Name and extension of the file.


Size of the file.


Current workflow state of the file.

<Version Number>

Local version and the latest vaulted version of the file.


Last saved SOLIDWORKS version of the file.


Name of the column that will appear in the Windows File Explorer file listing. Defaults to the variable name but can be modified.


Alignment of the column value (Left, Right, Center).

Default Width

Default width of the column. Users can change the width.
You can modify the default width by moving the column dividers in the Preview.

Look for variable in...

(File list column sets only.) Select how configurations are searched to locate variables. For files without configurations, click and select Read variable from files that do not have configurations. This displays variable values in Windows File Explorer columns.

Select one:
Look for variable in all configurations

Displays the value of the first variable in any configuration.

Look for variable in given list of configurations

Displays the value of the first variable in a configuration in the list of specified configurations. The configuration list is searched from the top down.


When Look for variable in given list of configurations is selected, lets you select configurations and their search order.
Add configuration

Displays the New Configuration dialog box, where you can specify a configuration to be searched for the variable.

Remove configuration

Removes the selected configuration from the list.

Move configuration upwards

Moves the selected configuration up in the list. When retrieving a variable value, configurations are searched based on the list order.

Move configuration downwards

Moves the selected configuration down in the list.