Input Formula Functions

You can specify string and arithmetic functions to be used to configure the values returned by the input formula.

To access the functions:

Click next to Input Formula.

Arithmetic Functions

Function, Syntax, and Description Arguments and Examples
Add Numbers


Returns the sum of the two specified numbers.

<term1> - First term

<term2> - Second term

Example: $Add(2,3) - Returns 5
Subtract Numbers


Returns the difference between the two specified numbers.

<term1> - First term

<term2> - Second term (amount to be subtracted)

Example: $Sub(3,2) - Returns 1
Multiply Numbers


Returns the result of multiplying the two specified numbers.

<term1> - First term

<term2> - Second term (amount to multiply by)

Example: $Mul(3,2) - Returns 6
Divide Numbers


Returns the result of dividing a number by a second number.

<term1> - First term

<term2> - Second term (amount to divide by)

Example: $Div(6,2) - Returns 3

String Functions

Function, Syntax, and Description Arguments and Examples
Left Substring


Returns the leftmost specified number of characters from a specified string.

<string> - The character string

<number> - The number of characters to be returned

Example: $Left(ProjectAA,7) - Returns "Project"
Right Substring


Returns the rightmost specified number of characters from a specified string.

<string> - The character string

<number> - The number of characters to be returned

Example: $Right(ProjectAA,2) - Returns "AA"
Middle Substring


Returns a substring from a specified string (starting at a specified position).

<string> - The character string

<startpos> - The number of the starting position. The first character is position 0.

<number> - The number of characters to be returned

Example: $Mid(ProjectAA,2,2) - Returns "oj"
String X from List


Returns the element number X from an ordered list where the elements are delimited with a certain character.

This feature is useful in combination with controls connected to alias lists.

<string> - List of strings to choose from.

<index> - Index of string to use. This could be a variable linked to an alias list.

| - The character used to separate the <string> values.




Where the Material variable is connected to an alias list with the following values:
Displayed Value Alias
Steel 1
Polyester 2
Gold 3
The formula string becomes Metal if the user selects Steel or Gold as the material. It becomes Plastic if the user selects Polyester.
String Length


Returns the length of a specified string.

Example: $Len(ProjectAA) - Returns 9
Find Substring


Searches a specified string for the first match of a character or substring. Returns the position where the character or substring is found.

The first position in the character string is 0.
<string> - The character string

<substring> - The character substring for which to search

Example: $Find(abc,b) - Returns 1
Reversed Find Substring


Returns the reverse of a specified string.

<string> - The character string
Example: $Reverse(stockholm) - Returns "mlohkcots"
Reverse Find


Searches a specified string for the last match of a character. Returns the position where the last occurrence of the character or substring is found.

The first position in the character string is 0.
<string> - The character string

<substring> - The character substring for which to search

Example: $FindReverse(abcabc,b) - Returns 4
Today's Date


Returns the current date in the format selected when the vault was created.

Example: =$Time() - Returns 488a=2010-08-13