Extraneous Data Removal PropertyManager

Extraneous data typically exists in point cloud data and comes from the fixture used to hold the part in place while you scan it. Choose a tool to select extraneous data, then click Delete to remove the data.

If necessary, click to undo the deletion.
Video: Removing Extraneous Data. Example of extraneous data removal using Polygon Selection PM_Polygon_Selection.gif.
  Selection Tools Click a tool to select extraneous data to remove.
  • Box Selection
  • Lasso Selection
  • PM_Polygon_Selection.gif Polygon Selection
  • PM_Brush_Selection.gif Brush Selection (Mesh files only)
  • Allow selection depth adjustment. Lets you set the selection depth of the mesh or point cloud feature to adjust the selected areas. The depth selection bounding box is based on your view into the model.
  • Trim mesh boundary to selection. (Mesh files only.) Trims a mesh boundary exactly to the selection boundary, smoothing all serrated boundaries.

    Area selected for removal
    Option cleared: Serrated boundary Bsmooth_No.gif
    Option selected: Smooth boundary Bsmooth_Yes.gif