SPR Fixes

SOLIDWORKS 2020 focuses on fixing reproducible and difficult to reproduce stability issues. In addition, we target important SPRs (Software Performance Reports) that improve your design productivity.

Some of the high-impact SPRs that we fixed:

SPR Resolution
389741 Notes with geometric tolerance symbols or surface finish symbols are saved with the sheet format.
551580 Angular dimensions display properly in broken views.
625475 An assembly properly exports as a STEP file even if an assembly's component has the same name as the assembly.
634314 A circular sketch pattern of a Hole Wizard hole creates accurate patterns.
675106 Hole and shaft fit appear in diameter dimensions for nominal fit dowel holes created in the Hole Wizard.
713849 File display is faster.
921300 Instant3D works correctly when you drag sketch entities.
960699 Dimension arrowheads keep the same styles when you use multi-jog leaders.
886991 Font sizes display properly when you use Publish to 3D PDF in SOLIDWORKS MBD.
1129989, 1129991, 1129992 In the SOLIDWORKS PDM Administration tool, results are filtered as you type in the Group Members, Add Group Members, and Users dialog boxes.