- Markups
You can draw markups with a mouse on nontouch devices, display bounding boxes for markups, create markups in drawings, and use the context toolbar to access markup options.
- Changes to the CommandManager Menu
- Display Feature Names in a Different Language
In the FeatureManager® design tree, for features that use the default name, you can view a feature name translated into a different language. The translation displays in a tooltip when you hover over the feature.
- Drag Multiple Contiguous Features to a Folder
You can select multiple contiguous features and drag the features to a folder in the FeatureManager design tree. You can drag features to change their order in a folder if the features do not have parent-child relationships. You can drag folders and features into another folder.
- Enhanced Large Tooltips for Toolbars
Enhanced large tooltips provide expanded information for tools in a toolbar. Some enhanced tooltips include images or animations.
- File Types List
The file types list in the Open dialog box is consolidated and reorganized. The list is wider to accommodate longer file names.
- Searching for Materials
You can find materials by using the Search box in the upper left corner of the Material dialog box.
- Touch Mode
- Troubleshooting Enhancements
The SOLIDWORKS software provides more information about possible causes of crashes and known solutions you can use to avoid them in the future. It also makes it easier for you to supply error reports that will help the SOLIDWORKS development team diagnose and resolve problems for you.
- Updated Help Menu
On the Help menu, options are reorganized and renamed.
- View Recent Files
- Welcome Dialog Box
You can log in to SOLIDWORKS from the Welcome dialog box.