Troubleshooting Enhancements

The SOLIDWORKS software provides more information about possible causes of crashes and known solutions you can use to avoid them in the future. It also makes it easier for you to supply error reports that will help the SOLIDWORKS development team diagnose and resolve problems for you.

In the Welcome dialog box, the Troubleshooting tab displays messages for known solutions to problems you have encountered, and how many times those problems have occurred. The solutions include contacting Technical Support about installing hotfixes, checking for updates to see if you need to apply service packs, and making sure the machine has a certified or tested graphics driver.

When the SOLIDWORKS software starts, it scans log files to identify crashes that have known solutions, and creates messages about those solutions in the solutionmessages.xml file. The file updates when it identifies additional problems and solutions, and when hotfixes and service packs are applied on the machine. The cumulative list of messages about problems and solutions, minus those solved by hotfixes and service packs that have already been applied, displays on the Troubleshooting tab.

To find solutions for crash fixes:

  1. In the Welcome dialog box, click Alerts > Troubleshooting.
  2. If there are crashes for this release of the SOLIDWORKS software on this machine, error messages display that tell you how many times the problems causing those crashes have occurred. The error messages also suggest solutions such as:
    • Contacting Technical Support about installing hotfixes.
    • Checking for updates to see if you need to apply service packs.
    • Making sure that the machine has certified or tested graphics drivers.

    Optional. Click Close on the right side of the message to delete it.

  3. If Check for Updates or System Diagnostics displays, select it and follow instructions for that option.

A separate tab provides information about recovered documents. To view it from the Welcome dialog box, click Alerts > Document Recovery.