Recent Tab

You can view a list of recent documents and folders.

To access the Recent tab, click Welcome to SOLIDWORKS (Standard toolbar) to open the Welcome dialog box.

You can:
  • Hover over a document or folder and click to keep the document or folder at the top of the list.
  • Click Remove and click Unpinned Items or All Items.
  • Drag a document and drop it in an open part, assembly, drawing, empty graphics area, or into File Explorer.
  • Hover over a document to see document information such as saved date, and click to see more options and information.
  • Right-click a document and click Open, Open with Options, Pin or Unpin, Show in Folder, or Remove.

To access the document or folder list after you close the Welcome dialog box, click File > Open Recent > Browse Recent Documents or Browse Recent Folders .


For Quick filter, click the icons in any combination to see the file type.

Filter Parts (*.prt, *.sldprt)  
Filter Assemblies (*.asm, *.sldasm)  
Filter Drawings (*.drw, *.slddrw)  
Filter Top-Level Assemblies (*.asm, *.sldasm) Displays only top-level assemblies, not subassemblies.
  Filter by name Enter text to filter by file name.


You can right-click a folder and click Remove, Pin or Unpin, or Clear unpinned items.