- Highlight Search Pane
Search an electrical route assembly for items such as connectors and their related wires. Search any assembly for components such as housings or cable clips.
- Visualizing the 3D Space
To help you visualize the sketch in 3D space, you may find it useful to split the graphics window.
- Displaying a Virtual Sharp
A virtual sharp creates a sketch point at the virtual intersection point of two sketch entities. Dimensions and relations to the virtual intersection point are retained even if the actual intersection no longer exists, such as when a corner is removed by a fillet or chamfer.
- Route Properties
You can set properties to apply to all subsequent route segments, or change properties of existing route segments.
- Mating Fittings in Routing Subassemblies
Mates can be added only to end fittings, such as flanges, tees, reducers, and in-line valves, in a route subassembly. If you delete the mates on an end fitting, or if you insert an end fitting at the end of a 3D sketch segment, the position of the end fitting becomes driven by the 3D sketch.
- Select Route
If an assembly contains several route subassemblies, you can select which one to edit in the Edit Route PropertyManager.
- Editing a Route Subassembly
You can edit a route subassembly in several ways:
- Routing Along Existing Surface
You can create a route at a defined distance from an existing surface using the dimension tool, to which routing specific properties have been added. You can also measure offset distance from the centerline or outer surface of the pipe, and include or exclude covering thickness.
- Setting Fixed Length to Route Segments
You can dimension a route segment or multiple segments to a fixed length.
- Fixed Length PropertyManager
- Splitting a Route
You can split a route and apply different properties on each side of the split. For example, if you want to apply covering to only a portion of a route, you can split the route into two segments and apply covering to only one of the segments.
- Repairing a Route
You can correct violations of the minimum bend radius requirements of a cable or flexible tube.
- Edit Attributes
Add custom data to the electrical attributes of a route, and view or modify existing attributes.
- Editing the Structure of a Routing Subassembly
You can use the assembly restructuring functionality to break down large routing assemblies into manageable sections. The components must be fully resolved (not lightweight) to perform these operations.
- Driving and Driven Fittings
Almost all end fittings in an electrical route are driving. However, end fittings for pipe or tube routes, can be either driving and driven.
- Exploded View Tool
You can create exploded views of Routing assemblies similar to SOLIDWORKS assemblies using the Exploded View tool.
- Component References
In the Component Properties dialog box, you can assign a different value for Component Reference for each instance of a component in an assembly.
- Configuring Routing Components
You can use the Configure Component tool for Routing components with route properties in assemblies when the Routing add-in is enabled.
- Coverings
You can add coverings to any route. Coverings represent material such as insulation or split sleeves placed on routed items to protect them. You can:
- Positioning Parts with the Triad
You can use the triad to position parts in a route with greater precision for piping, flexible tubing, and electrical.
- Drawings of Routing Assemblies
In a drawing of a route subassembly, you can display the path of the pipe or tube, using the centerline font.
- Bill of Materials for Routing Assemblies
When you create a BOM (Bill of Materials) for a route assembly, you can select a template that causes each unique cut length of pipe to be listed as a separate item. The template also assigns part numbers based on a configuration-specific property.