The Appearances tab of the
Palette provides you with the options discussed in this section. When you select an
appearance on a model, the appearance is highlighted in orange.
Appearances Tree
Every appearance in a project is listed in the Appearances tree near
the top of the Appearances
In the list at the
of the tab, select the display option to use.
To select an appearance and display its parameters, click its name or
icon in the Appearances
You can double-click a part in the viewport to select its
appearance in the Appearance tree, where you can edit
To apply an appearance to a part in a model in the 3D Viewport, drag
the appearance from the Appearances tree onto the part.
If you drag an appearance and hover over a part while holding the
left mouse button, you see a preview of the appearance. When you release the left
mouse button, the appearance is applied.
When you click the Appearances tab, the Selection
Tool (main toolbar) changes to Appearance mode.
Appearance Parameters
When you select an appearance in the Appearance tree (or select an
appearance on a part in a model), the parameters defining the appearance appear in
the Appearance tab of the Palette. The
parameters that appear depend on the type of the selected appearance (for example,
glass, metal, or leather). Different parameter values for the same type of
appearance produce variations within the type (for example, silver versus gold).
You cannot create new types of appearances, but you can edit the
values of appearance parameters to create unique variations within each type.
The parameters are divided among the General, Texture, and
Texture Mapping subtabs.