Editing Generic Splines

When you apply Convert Entities, Offset Entities, or Intersection Curve on a spline, the result is a Generic Spline. Generic splines replace splines.

To edit Generic Splines:

  1. Open a sketch.
  2. Click Sketch > Convert Entities .
  3. Click the spline in Sketch1.
  4. In the Convert Entities PropertyManager, click .
  5. In the Generic Spline PropertyManager, in Existing Relations, right-click On Edge 0 and click Delete.
  6. Edit the generic spline with the following alternatives:
    Option Description
    Right-click the generic spline and click Show Control Polygon. Use the control polygon to shape the curve.
    Right-click the generic spline and click Convert to spline or Convert to Style Spline .  
    In the Generic Spline PropertyManager, under Parameters, click Rational. The Control Vertex Weight option is selected to let you adjust the curve shape.
  7. Click .